14 January 2013

Chapter 4 : Measuring the success of strategic initiativesc
                  The interelationship of efficiency and effectiveness It metrics


Efficiency IT metrics focus on technology and include :
- Thriughput    - amount of information that can travel through a system at any point in time.
- Speed            - amount of time to perform a transaction.
- Availability   - number of hours a system is available.
- Accuracy      - extent to which a system generates correct results.
- Web traffic   - includes number of pageviews, number of unique visitors, and time spent on a Web
- Response time - time to respond to user interactions.

Effectiveness IT metrics focus on an organization's goals, strategies, and objectives and includes :
- Usability - the ease with which people perform transactions and or find information.
- Customer satisfaction - such as the percentage of existing customers retained.
- Conversion rates - number of customers an organization " touches " for the first time and convinces
                                to purchase products or services.
- Financial - such as return on investment, cost benefit analysis, etc.

The security is an issue for any organization offering products or serives over the internet.
It is inefficient for an organization to implement Internet security, since it slows down processing time. However, to be effective it must implement internet security.
          - secure internet connections must offer encryption and Secure Sockets Layers ( SSL denoted by the lock symbol in the lower right corner of a browser ).

Customer metrics - assess the management of customer relationships by the organization and include : - Market share
               - Customer acquisition
               - Customer profitability

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